If you or a loved one has recently been discharged from a inpatient program, sober living homes may be the best choice for you. Sober living homes are like group homes for people who are in beginning recovery from an addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. People who live in sober living homes generally have to follow certain rules and requirements such as doing chores, finding employment, have a curfew, pay rent, buy their own food, attending house or outside support meetings, and quite often take UA tests upon demand. 

More importantly, they have to remain drug and alcohol free while living there. The nice thing about a sober living home is residents can come and go as they please. This allows people in early recovery feel like they are slowly easing back into normal life and can start going back to their daily routines and take on more and more of their responsibilities.

Sober living homes are group homes for those in recovery who want to be around other stable people in recovery while they reintegrate into society. These types of homes are different from a inpatient program as they allow almost total independence. It is highly recommended that along with a sober living home, that once leaving inpatient follow through with either an outpatient program ran by the inpatient they were in, or another outpatient program to further stabilize and adjust to “real” life without drugs and/or alcohol.

The single most important part of living in a sober living home is you are able to create new, sober friendships. This can only help tremendously in staying sober. People who think like you, know the red flags to look for and can confront you if you start to slide backwards is what’s needed. Often our family and friends mean well, but if they missed it the first time, they are likely to miss it this time! 

Also, friends and family are often under the impression that once you are done with inpatient you are done healing. Nothing could be more harmful to someone in early recovery. Those in early recovery can and will slip back into old behaviors if not confronted which will ultimately lead to relapse. 

Going from our inpatient to total freedom can be a bit of a shock for those in early recovery. They are told to disengage with old friends and even family if family are also using, and so to be “out there” alone and on your own is scary. Those with addictions have spent years cultivating friendships based upon mutual distrust, enabling addiction and taking advantage of each other financially and every other way. 

The thought of making new, sober non-using friends can be daunting and this kind of total freedom will lead to loneliness which is a huge “back-door” to relapse. Addicts and alcoholics know that lifestyle and they know the people in that lifestyle. It is too easy to just hang out with old friends again. Once that happens, using is only a minute away.

Give us a call to see if our PTSD and Trauma Based Addiction Recovery program is right for you? (949) 386-2715

Call for more information about our Sober Living Facility!